Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Pacific Northwest
There‘s something about the PNW that I find calming. My deeper mindful spirit and sense of presence is always stronger here. I always feel more in touch with the better parts of myself. The PNW has a hint of mystical to it that permeates everything. PNW’ers seem to be more in synch with nature and its power to keep people centered in a kind of natural spiritual groove. I like this and it suits me well.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
It's 6.13am as I'm writing this and it's already been an incredible day. I woke at 4am this morning, made my first cup of coffee and sat in the quiet watching the sun come up and begin lighting the buildings across the street. Early morning has always been my favorite time of the day. It's quiet and peaceful, and I feel more present than any other moment of the day. Watching the sun come up in the serenity of early morning is a secret anyone can be in on.