Sunday, August 21, 2022

Shifting the "I"

"We're quiet. We aren't dancing to the culture's drum. And we are silent inside. That silence is there so that we can hear our intuitive wisdom. This culture sees life as collecting experiences. But [awakening] is an emptying out and beginning to experience the moment, what's happening right now...

It's also the witness... You stand outside the action. Shifting perspective takes the suffering away... You are shifting the "I." When you get into "I" as the witness, you can experience your life as a movie. Then there is no more suffering. Because the soul doesn't suffer.

At the ego level, the sensory level, there is pain. But you aren't fighting it anymore, and you're not afraid of it, and that releases you from its grip..."

~Ram Dass~

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday Morning Serenity

I walked Rufus and it was one of those mornings where there was so little activity outside you'd swear overnight the world ended and you're the last person alive. It was dead quiet. Just me, my Frenchie, and the sunrise. Now I'm back in the house enjoying my morning coffee. No music. No television*. Just the growing day out the windows and peace and quiet. For the life of me I can't figure out why people are afraid of this kind of serenity.

*I don't own a television. I stream things I want to watch on my laptop. My total viewing time is about three to four hours a week.