Sunday, June 17, 2018
If You Want To Eat Apples Stop Buying Oranges
I had a huge (at least to me) revelation at about 4-something this morning, that magic time when the mind isn't cluttered with the garbage of input from the day just yet. I’ve been getting frustrated with my goals lately. Then it hit me this morning. They’ve been misdirected. If you want to eat apples, stop buying oranges. That sounds pretty simple but it was a big reveal to me. I’ve been doing that with certain things.
Example: I’ve been wanting to lose some weight, but I haven’t been working out with weight loss in mind. Nor have I been eating with that in mind. So you can imagine the frustration with a goal in mind and the actions not being in line with that goal. It was a pretty liberating notion to come to.
It was a fascinating mindset that's carried me through the day so far and its "application" has been resonating with shocking clarity in several areas. It's making for a clarity and sense of purpose that doesn't center around that unconscious, sneaky people-pleasing mentality I struggle with. As selfish as it might sound this is all about me, my happiness, my presence, my mindfulness, and my serenity. Not the superficial kind, but the kind that you feel bubbling up from very deep places inside.
More to come...
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