Friday, June 19, 2020

Brought to You by the Letter C

When Tom Cruise says, "You complete me," in the movie Jerry Maguire it sounds so romantic. He found the love of his life. He's complete now! Not so fast. Nothing could be further from the truth. A friend explained this notion of completeness (what I choose to call wholeness) to me, and it hit me square between the eyes. It's so profound and clear in its simplicity, and once I understood it, my whole perspective changed. It goes like this:

If we are not whole with ourselves we look like the letter "C." We have gaps in our make up.

If we're like Jerry Maguire and we find someone (or something) that we feel makes us whole, we look like this: 

The catch here is we feel whole but we're not. All we've done is fill in the gap with something external and temporary. It's a guarantee that feeling of wholeness will disappear when the novelty of what's filling the gap wears off.

If stop looking outside ourselves for fulfillment and we start looking internally we eventually will look like the letter "O."

We have a sense of wholeness independent of any other factors. Then and only then can we go forward as the whole person we've been trying to be. Pretty simple, huh?
And pretty profound if you ask me.

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