Thursday, January 28, 2021

Temporal Compression

"I had been experiencing a temporal compression, attempting to live the past, present, and future all at the same time. The lines were blurred.

When I visit the past now, it is for wisdom and experience, not for regret or shame. I don't attempt to erase it, only to accept it. Whatever my physical circumstances are today, I deal with them and remain present. If I fall, I will rise up. As for the future, I haven't been there yet. I only know that I have one. Until I don't. The last thing we run out of is the future."

– Michael J. Fox, "No Time Like the Future - An Optimist Considers Mortality"

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Lauren Bacall on Life

...the stress on personal character, demonstrating the importance of the quality of life, the proper attitude towards work. To be good was more important than to be rich. To be kind was more important than owning a house or a car. To respect one's work and do it well, to risk something in life was more important than being a star.

I have a contribution to make. I am not just taking up space in this life. I can add something to the lives I touch. I don't like everything about myself, and I'll never be satisfied, but nobody's perfect."

– Lauren Bacall

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Absurdity of Negative Thinking

The most absurd thought crossed my mind this morning. I’m usually on and working by 6.30am. I like getting up early and getting a jump on things before the emails and direct messages start pouring in.

I was at the gym this morning and wouldn't start work until probably 7.45. I got nervous thinking people would be drumming their fingers and thinking me irresponsible for not being there at 6.30 (a time when they’re not even online and working.)

I quickly identified the notion as absurd, wadded it up and tossed in the wastebasket of my psyche (something I'm getting much better at!) It’s interesting how so much of enlightened thinking isn’t so much about not having the thoughts as it is learning ways to manage them.

Monday, January 25, 2021

The Peace of Presence

There comes an age where priorities and things one thought were so important honestly aren't anymore. All you'd like is peace and quiet. Living a simple, uncomplicated life, quietly sipping your coffee or tea in your favorite chair as the sun's coming up. Moving through the day knowing where you are with yourself and feeling like your'e fully in the present moment.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Reflections in the Time of COVID

I’m feeling very reflective about COVID this morning. Where I live it has been handled poorly to say the least, but it’s given me so much opportunity. I don’t think I’d be as mindful and self-aware if I hadn’t gone through this year. I had a wisp of “Opportunity Squandered” creep into my thoughts last night. 

Then I told myself I may not have learned to play the piano or written the Great American Novel, but I got deeper in touch with me. I found some of the deeper gears that make me work. I understand the mechanism so much better. Learning the piano or writing a book can’t even touch that.