Monday, August 28, 2023

Living Life Through Different Lenses

I was just in the kitchen cooking myself an omelet (plant-based egg product called “Just Egg,” sauteed asparagus, red onion, microgreens, and smoked gouda cheese with an avocado on the side) and I got to thinking about how we move through our lives. As morbid as this might sound when I focus my life through the lens of mortality, finiteness, and finality I tend to see my life as something that should be filled to the brim as much and as often as possible until it practically overflows.

In that moment I “saw” the rest of my life. It wasn’t filled with “stuff,” job titles, fancy cars, or emotionally vacant McMansions. It was filled with experiences. Things that, possibly over time and an onset of old age and possible senility I will forget. But the memory will still be there inside me. Memories of a life lived fully and presently. Knowing that I have so much life yet to live and experiences yet to live 
filled me not with anxiety but with excitement at what the next moments are going to bring.

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