Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Exercise of Spiritual Recentering

It's always amazing to me how much a trip to the gym can change my perspective. I've been feeling very hemmed in lately. Some of my friendships have become tiresome, my job has been frustrating, and in general my social life has seemed stagnant and stuck in a loop at best. That's just to name a few of things that feel dissatisfying lately. I realized yesterday that as I'm growing personally, some of my actions are stuck back in my old patterns of thinking and acting.  There's been a bored hopelessness that has crept into my everyday that has been difficult to snap out of. It's been a feeling of being trapped in a misery I can't escape and the resignation that life is always going to be this way; work and sleep, work and sleep. 

Enter my latest visit to the gym. On the treadmill this morning about 4 minutes into my 20-minute Fat Burn program I was flooded with a calm energy. The flow of endorphins created a deeper, more serene sense of "being" that came sharply into focus. The treadmills look west out floor-to-ceiling windows on the the parking lot and beyond that onto a large grove of trees. The morning was rainy and cold, but it was still the most spectacular view. Time and all the anxieties I was experience were being melted away. The endorphins were taking over. I was there in that timeless moment. My body was moving in a harmony of purpose greater than myself or the petty concerns that have been plaguing me. My brain was firing signals to my leg and arm muscles. All the muscle cells were responding with movement. I was literally walking my way out of the emotion and metaphysical trap I had been stuck in recently. All these things that were causing me anxiety and frustration were not how life had to be. There are choices I can make for myself. I can choose to remain frustrated and anxious. Or I can realize that on any journey there are course corrections that come along. I can recenter, refocus.  There is nothing that says I can't. I can use the loop I was stuck in to adjust course and add those lessons to my adjusted direction. In other words, those negative feelings can be teachers and guides. Nothing is static. Nothing is permanent. I can adjust and fine tune the journey any time I choose. 

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