Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Rock and the River

I was talking with my good friend Argenis a while back about life’s obstacles and how we deal with them. As he was talking, in my mind flashed an image of a very ugly, craggy rock covered in uneven, sharp edges. This rock sat steadfast in a river with extremely strong and dangerous currents. I asked myself where the image came from and what it could mean. In a flash the image and what my friend was trying to tell me merged into clarity.

I am the rock. The river’s swift currents are life’s obstacles. I have the ability to choose how they affect me. With a stubborn resolve I can work harder at resisting those obstacles. I can steel myself against them and never, ever give in to them. That resistance, however, comes with a price. I am chipped away at, worn down, parts of me breaking off in the "current of life," making me craggier, uglier, sharper, more jaded and weary. Or I can embrace the obstacles swirling around and over me like the currents flowing over that craggy rock in the river. In doing so, I use life's adversities as a tool to polish my rough edges and turn me into something beautiful over which life's impediments simply flow, never able to latch on, consume me, and carry me away. 

The choice couldn’t be simpler.


  1. A fascinating thought, eloquently put.

  2. Beautiful Jim!
    Here is something that I believe may complement it from the story that I am writing:

    Sometimes seeing your challenges as a blessing, rather than as a curse, can shift your mind almost immediately.

    “In the house of fear one can experience anger. On the other hand, in the house of love one can experience peace and joy.

    “You will always be at a higher frequency in the house of love because you would be going with the flow of life rather than against it.”

    Anything you resist persists and everything you fight against you strengthen.

    “But Kristy, he does this to me all the time. This really makes me mad. Is this some kind of test he’s putting me through?

    “Does he do that to you?” Pedro asked Kristy very angrily.

    “No, but he is kind of goofy,” she said smiling.

    “No matter how justifiable, the story will always keep you in the house of fear. Drop the story and stay with the feelings.”

    “I just wish he would not do that,” Pedro said.

    “You are wishing for things to be different from what they are at this moment.

    “So, would you rather be happy or would you rather be right, sometimes it’s just as simple as that. Don’t fight it, go through it, and let the process flow and stop wanting it to be different.

    “Don’t ask for the situation to change, but for the situation to change you.

    Always wishing you the best my friend,
