Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Peace and Quiet of Peace and Quiet

A year and a half ago I decided to not have a television anymore. If I want to watch something I stream it through my laptop. My generous estimate is that I watch maybe two or three hours of programs a week. I have no TV squawking mindlessly in the background to distract me. I stream music either through my laptop or my Amazon Echos. Most days it's a welcome stimulation, and some days I don't feel like having anything playing. On those days the peace and quiet is wonderful. This morning, for instance, I don't feel like having music playing and it's gratifying to just be with me and my thoughts, nothing more. The restful and rejuvenating quality of that and the increase in my mindfulness is so enriching.

I've always been apprehensive of those who can't do that; people who always need some kind of noise going on. What are they afraid they'll find if they just sit quietly with themselves?

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